How long does it take to get results?
It can be anything from a week to a month or two it all depends on the competition for the keyword. Rest assured that all GeeksMachine Services are based on current industry standard procedures that are proven to work.
Who is behind GeeksMachine?
GeeksMachine is founded by Josh Irving, an SEO expert, supplying services to the SEO industry since 2014. I am a member of leading SEO Mastermind groups.
Enabling GeeksMachine to keep up with the latest Search Engine algorithm changes. So you don’t have to!
Is this all automated bots?
Actually orders are created manually once payment comes through. We have automation scheduled to coincide with an application update in about a month.
What is a Google Link Wrapper / Authority Stack?
A so called Link Wrapper is a term made popular by Kotton Grammer while a coach at OMG Machines. It is basically a group of Branded links on high DA Web2.0 sites. Google sees this and it helps tie it all together for Google’s algorithm.
What’s with the two Orders Numbers?
The order view shows the following:
- Invoice Order #: 000000002 = This Order # is an internal Invoice/Order # from our site (GeeksMachine).
- TC System Order ID: 709968 = This is a ThriveCart System-wide unique Order ID (required per EU regulations)
- Order Date: 2018-06-26 01:12:35 = Date order processed directly from ThriveCart
What is TC-Orders WordPress plugin allowing Fiverr style order delivery directly from ThriveCart?
TC-Orders is a WordPress plugin I am developing to allow anyone to deliver services right in WordPress powered by the amazing ThriveCart platform.
You can find out more about TC-Orders and how to get it for free! here:
Citations: When should I do Social Signals, Create Social Accounts?
For a new moneysite:
- Create the basic Web2.0 sites immediately (GMB, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook Page, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest) This creates naked links to Moneysite
- Create the NAP Citations (NAP = Name Address Phone)
- Send Social Signals to your top Citations and Link Wrappers
Why should I order from you?
Because this combination of Local NAP Citations and Additional Customization’s are only available here. We do not sell Citation building services on any other platform.
How do I know your reputation is good?
Please see our testimonials from leading SEO Agencies and recognized SEO Industry experts.
See our Testimonials page for details.
Receipts and Customer Hub link in here
Receipts and Customer Hub:
Do you recommend any products? What products do you use?
Currently the most massive bargain available is ThriveCart Lifetime special limited time offer. ThriveCart is an amazing project. Easily comparable to Russell Brunson’s ClickFunnels. Giving SamCart a run for it’s money in many ways.
Make sure to check it out before it goes to a monthly cost, likely within the next few months.